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Hot Chilli Sauces

Who Dares Burns! The 2nd Assault!

Treat with maximum respect.  At Chilli Fiestas the decision is unanimous – Who Dares Burns 2nd...
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(20 customer reviews)


Treat with maximum respect.  At Chilli Fiestas the decision is unanimous – Who Dares Burns 2nd Assault is the hottest sauce in it’s class!

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SKU: HH-30 Brand:

Dr Hotz! Says: Who Dares Burns 2nd Assault is an even HOTTER version of our all time best seller Who Dares Burns! So beware innocent bystanders - this sauce is mercilessly hot and takes no prisoners!

Product Ingredients: Vinegar, hot chile peppers, pepper extract, onion puree, spices, salt, xantham gum (natural stabiliser)

Dr Hotz! Says...

Strike First - Strike Hard!

Who Dares Burns 2nd Assault! An even HOTTER version of our all time best seller Who Dares Burns!  So beware innocent bystanders – this sauce is mercilessly hot and takes no prisoners! Just when you thought it was safe….we’re back in action with Hot-Headz! now legendary Who Dares Burns! 2nd Assault.

Our Mission – to explore undiscovered hot sauce territory and deliver a decisive blow before you know what’s hit you! Mission accomplished we think!

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20 reviews for Who Dares Burns! The 2nd Assault!

  1. Richard Walton (verified owner)

    <h3>Who Dares Burns! The 2nd Assault</h3><br>USE WITH CAUTION!! This sauce has the ability to destroy you if you’re not careful. It’s unmerciful and keeps on attacking even after you crawl around the floor trying to find a dark space to lie fetal possition, wimpering quietly and praying!

  2. shane graves (verified owner)

    <h3>Simply Amazing</h3><br>what can i say the,taste,the heat everything was amazing. from the second i opened the bottle you could smell a deep earthy smell along with a nice kick of chili. the flavour was immense and so was the heat. 1 word of warning use as instructed because i very almost ended up in hospital for using too much 😛 but im good now and iv gone back for more 😀

  3. Nick Clark (verified owner)

    <h3>Good Stuff.</h3><br>Usage:
    Although the taste is nothing to boast about, it supplies immense heat in small volumes. I used it as a food additive, because very small amounts would provide more than sufficient heat, making it long-lasting, as well as the tangy taste of chilli it provided.

    A force to be reckoned with. After upgrading to this from 1st Assault I thought I’d have no problems. Boy was I wrong- this is some bad-ass sauce with a very powerful kick. Left me on the floor holding my stomach about 2 hours later after being dared to do a stupid amount. He who does dare, does burn.

  4. Pete Thompson (verified owner)

    <h3>GREAT!</h3><br>Finally a sauce that fights back. After countless rubbish supermarket sauces being listed as 3 chillies HOT, they didnt impress. This one finally does! It arrived today, I couldnt wait to break it open, had a good dollop on my finger, took the hit.. it was ok.. had some more… BOOM there it is! all over my mouth a lovely fieriness you have after a hot curry.. it just keeps getting hotter. Its fantastic. 10minutes later my tongues still throbbing. I feel great because ive had it neat and its ok, its damn hot but enjoyable, the more you put on the hotter it gets, and keeps going. If you ENJOY hot, get this, if you see it as a competition, you’ll not enjoy this but it will hurt you 🙂 I will buy again, i cant wait to have it on some food! Tomorrow, pain for the sissies at work 😉 Your search ends here.

  5. scott larman (verified owner)

    <h3>stupidly hot, love it</h3><br>this is an extract sauce so what i lacks in flavour it more than makes up for with outrageous heat.

    couple of drips in marinade or in a curry etc will kick the dishes up to volcanic levels.

    perfect for drunken dares aswell 😉

  6. Anna Blewden (verified owner)

    <h3>Hotter than Satan’s asshole</h3><br>I came across this product at a chilli festival, and upon asking the trader which was the hottest chilli sauce available, he pointed to this. I don’t have a particularly high tolerance for hot food as it is, as chili-festival-frequenters go, but I thought I’d sample the hottest product "for a laugh". I was wrong. This was not a laugh. This was death.

    I only applied a very cautious amount of sauce onto the edge of a dorito chip. That was all that was needed. I barely had a chance to swallow before I stumbled away from the stall, spluttering and clutching my scathed throat, feeling like one of the gates of hell had been opened inside by mouth. A woman at a different stall even took pity on me enough to offer me a free glass of milk to soothe the pain. This didn’t work. By now I had developed a severe chilli-headache, a bunch of strangers had gathered me around to point and laugh, and I had very nearly lost consciousness. You think I’m joking, but I’m not. I genuinely needed to have a lie-down when the pain had not subsided after 30 minutes. The trader (perhaps I should refer to him as ‘the wolf in sheep’s clothing’) thought it amusing to offer me a free bottle of the sauce in consolation. I’m not entirely sure what I will be using it for; perhaps I could use it as poison.

    This chilli sauce will not burn your tongue – it will burn your soul. Proceed with caution (and perhaps have the emergency services on speed-dial).

  7. Kyriakos Mougdalis (verified owner)

    <h3>NICE!!!</h3><br>Not so tasty than the original sauce, but hotter!!!
    You put it in your mouth it burns you a little, but it is getting hotter and hotter afterwards.
    And you are happy.

  8. Ivan (verified owner)

    This sauce is awesome. A friend of mine gave me a bottle and told me to be careful with it, so what did I do? Poured it on my sausages like it was ketchup. I must admit it gave me a hell of a kick, but due to the beers, it was bearable.

    I now know why it’s called 2nd Assault… The next morning I blasted me guts out me arse!

  9. Gavin Eastwood (verified owner)

    Every summer the lads have BBQs at their houses and we have a competition for the hottest wings. A lot of work goes into making the wings as you are not allowed to use a naked bottled sauce, you have to make a recipe yourself, you may use a bottled sauce but only as a ingredient. Anyhow I saw this in ASDA and decided to give it a whirl.

    Being a typical Friday night I decided to have a few pints and it was in an advanced state of merriment that I thought "sod it" " and had a spoonful.

    I jest you not I had a genuine panic attack. This sauce is fuc**ng outrageous, Sweat was poring off me and I thought I was having some sort of stroke. i have brought other sauces off here and from Hot Sauce emporium but this is the pups nuts. There may be hotter sauces out there but I have not tried them yet.
    I cannot see myself buying anything else from now on to be honest.
    Oh yeah, I won the wing competition.

  10. Chris Lee (verified owner)

    This is a fantastic sauce. I’ve tried many extract sauces over the years and this is what I always come back to. It has a wonderful flavour for an extract sauce (slightly smoky and vinegary) and is just hot enough for me to use as a punchy ingredient for my own fresh sauces or to be used as a dipping sauce, or sparingly used as pouring sauce. I can’t knock it.

  11. Panda (verified owner)

    So my friend brought this and he told me to try it.. cautiously I might add, because usually the stuff he’s had before i thought was hotter than hot and just wow….. If you like hot.. buy it.. I had the most minuscule amount (a LOT less than a teaspoon) started hiccuping for about 20 minutes then whilst that’s happening there came the chilli feels the buuuuurn ohhhh! It did not go only for melting ice cream in my mouth.. Hottest thing I’ve ever tried ever! Will be back for more though!

  12. Ryan Hewitt (verified owner)

    This is a great tasting sauce I use it a lot when cooking as for its heat not sure on scoville rating but doesn’t seem as hot to me as the original Who Dares Burns. Really worth buying and a must have if you eat spicy food.

  13. simon Longster

    Be very careful with this – I put too much on and after eating not a lot it literally put me on the floor. I was in agony with stomach cramps for about 2 hours. Never had pain like it. So slowly does it!

  14. Mark Stubbings

    One teaspoon in a four person korma curry ten minutes before serving👍can’t rate it highly enough

  15. Leanne (verified owner)

    Is this hotter than hell unleashed, the hottest sauce in the world ?

  16. Anna Blewden (verified owner)

    Burnt my soul I came across this product at a chilli festival, and upon asking the trader which was the hottest chilli sauce available, he pointed to this. I don’t have a particularly high tolerance for hot food as it is, as chili-festival-frequenters go, but I thought I’d sample the hottest product "for a laugh".

    I only applied a very cautious amount of sauce onto the edge of a dorito chip. That was all that was needed. I barely had a chance to swallow before I stumbled away from the stall, spluttering and clutching my scathed throat, feeling like the gates of hell had been opened inside by mouth. A woman at a different stall even took pity on me enough to offer me a free glass of milk to soothe the pain. This didn’t work. By now I had developed a severe chilli-headache, and I had very nearly lost consciousness. This chilli sauce will not burn your tongue – it will burn your soul.

  17. The Count (verified owner)

    Poor favour, all you can taste is the extract, which give of a metallic taste.

  18. Mark M. (verified owner)

    Best of the best if you like hot this is your bad boy great to add to all you fave dishes very good

  19. Neil (verified owner)

    Blows my mind and other regions. Not for the faint hearted.
    Gives a massive kick to any food. Just 1 drop in beans and you feel the burn. A few drips on a pizza and it takes it up to another level.

    It’s a must have in my fridge when I need the heat.
    Handle with care though.

  20. Darren S. (verified owner)

    The Daddy of All sauce’s in my opinion. Mental!

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Weight 0.32 kg
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